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Natural Hygiene

Gods Natural Medicine

For you formed my inward parts; you covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are your works and that my soul knows very well.                                                                                                                                                              Psalm 139:13-14


Natural Hygiene is an ancient science that connects our personal health and wellness with nature. The foundational principles of Natural Hygiene are based on understanding the biological and physiological activities of the physical body and its interaction with the environment.

We could say that Natural Hygiene is the original natural health movement of our time. Its name was coined in the late eighteenth century. While its practical wisdom and application have been around for  thousands of years. Natural Hygiene’s prescription can be found in, The Wheel of Dharma, The Wheel of Patanjali, The Art of Asha and The Essene Tree of Life.

Natural Hygiene Principles

  • By God’s design, the body is a self-healing, self-sustaining and self-preserving. All concerted actions within the body are organic in function and when given the seven basic preconditions for life, the body is capable of rebuilding, repairing and regenerating itself.


  • There are no cures. By removIng the root cause of disease (toxemia) and giving the body the basic proper preconditions to life, we allow the body to work out the problem and heal itself.


  • Disease is instituted by the body as an emergency measure to purify and repair itself.  In a disease state, the best way to help the body is to intelligently do nothing and simultaneously establish conditions of health. Conditions that enable the body to devote all it's vitality to the healing crisis.

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Home Grown Vegetables
  • Toxins inside the body are harmful. However, the body’s reactions (for example, a fever, a boil or even diarrhea) are not automatically harmful. These natural reactions serve a purpose, such as enabling the body to eject or eliminate toxins.


  • Enervation, not resting when needed, is the 1st stage of disease.


  • 9/10 of diseases and disorders occur in the digestive track. Properly combined food lifts the burden of digestion.


  • Fasting allows the digestive tract some time off. In return this helps expedite removal of toxic debris and adds in balancing hormones for normal body functions.

Natural Hygiene offers a framework that can help us venture farther and deeper into a state of genuine, complete health than we typically do. It teaches us how to co-operate with our body through understanding and applying the seven basic preconditions of life. Yes, we are meant to have fullness of function, wellness, inner/outer harmony, vigor, strength, and mental acuity! Natural Hygiene believes that health is a normal and natural state of being!


Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is  good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
                                                                                                                                                                        Romans 12:22


The Bible

Professor Szekely

Dr. Tilden

Dr. S. Graham

Dr. W. Esser

Dr. H. Shelton

Dr. R. Trall


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